part 1 We also have photos of this

Pashinyan said that last Sunday his family "fled" in their old car and walked around the city for 1.5-2 hours. “I think there are citizens who have noticed it. part 1 We also have photos of this memorable fact. part 1 But in this case my action can also be interpreted as a violation of the law.

At Astghik Medical Center Emergency Department, as well as the entire hospital, the work is organized according to part 2 the best international standards, thanks to which the hospital has received ISO 2001 certificate and is now preparing to receive J?I certificate. Moreover, the medical staff undergoes regular training both in Armenia and abroad. The last one was in October this year; Emergency department staff part 2 participated in the 13th Europan Congress on Emergency Medicine in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. The only participants of this course from Armenia

Recently I saw a headline that Mariam Pashinyan didn"t get out of the car until the bodyguard opens the door. I have a big surprise for you. it turns out to be a requirement for state protection. And sometimes I wait a minute for the state security guard to open the car part 3 door. Do you think my paws would fall for me to open the door? There are certain  part 3 security procedures and we respect the work of these people. I have opened the door several times since the beginning, I was told, please, don"t open it. When there are other officials with me, security warns you don"t open the door when we need to, ”he said.

When resuscitation takes the patient to the hospital, the whole team is already waiting. The Astghik Medical Center Emergency part 4 Medical Unit is the only one in Armenia where there is an operating room, which makes it possible to save as much time as possible, so that as soon as the patient arrives at the ward, they can be taken to the surgery immediately if needed. "We all know that there are times when these few minutes decide everything and in no case can be delayed," the expert said.

According to the Russian president, before the revolution of 1917, Russia was part 4 a "highly centralized, united state", and Lenin actually proposed a confederation in which ethnos were linked to specific territories that were allowed to withdraw from the Soviet Union. This has created "painful points" that still exist, Putin said.

I observe the case of breaking into the editorial office of the Zhoghovurd daily in the context of recent media events. Satik Seyranyan, Chairman of the Union of Journalists of Armenia, told reporters today, December 19.

equipment needed there are suitable

“Few people can imagine how difficult it is to work in an ambulance. In the stationery you work in completely different conditions: there is part 4 all the equipment needed, there are suitable professionals who will come to your rescue if needed, and in resuscitation you are alone in part 4 extreme conditions. This is a huge responsibility, because human life is in your hands. The patient relies on you, the patient"s relatives are looking into your eyes ... ”said Manuk Yazchyan.

There are people in Armenia who think that having a "crow" is a pleasure to go around with a crow. Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan stated this on his Facebook page. "I want to say that the biggest problems in our family over the last 1.5 years are related to this phenomenon. My family members constantly ask me that this is a big problem and a discomfort for part 3 them. This is one problem for our family, "he said;

He added that he had clarified and found that no 201 car had been purchased by the part 3 State Oil Company. "Then it turned out that PPC purchased cars in 2018, but it was not for the Prime Minister"s family. “These cars were purchased to protect my family members for PPP. I wasn"t even aware at the time. And the cars were acquired because the number of people subject to state protection by law has increased. It is the same as saying that Mariam Pashinyan received Kalashnikov machines, armor jackets, ”he said.

All ambulances at Astghik Medical Center are resuscitators, and the staff are resuscitators-anesthesiologists who are qualified to provide emergency care in extreme conditions. But if there is a "serious" patient in the car, anything can happen on the road, and the physician has to quickly decide if necessary to take remedial action part 2 and decide for themselves what to do next.

On December 19, the National Assembly of the Republic of Armenia will hold its next part 2 closed session on the investigation of the April 2016 events and circumstances, reports correspondent. This time the former head of the Artillery Department of the Armenian Ministry of Defense Albert Mardoyan was summoned to the commission.

Hayastanum mardik kan, vor mtatsum yen, t’e «akhrrana» unenaly, «akhrranayov» shrjely geraguyn hachuyk’ e: Ays masin Facebook-i ir ejum ughigh yet’erum nshets’ HH varch’apet Nikol P’ashinyany: «Yes uzum yem asel, vor verjin 1,5 tarva ynt’ats’k’um part 1 mer yntanik’i amenamets problemnery kapvats e ays yerevuyt’i het: Im yntanik’i andamnern anyndhat im arraj harts’ yen dnum, vor sairents’ hamar mets problem yev diskomfort e: Sa mer yntanekan hamar mek problemn e»,-asats’ na;

this part 1 machine uses to ensure the

This car was not bought for a member of my family, but for the state security guard. By the same logic, the car I"m driving is not mine. It is the PPP that this part 1 machine uses to ensure the prime minister"s safety. And this is prescribed by law, the prime minister cannot refuse protection. part 1 Consequently, to say that for some of my family members to buy PPC car is initially absurd.

According to Manuk Yazchyan, the ambulance brigades of “Astghik” medical center often transport patients from other cities to Yerevan, as well as from Artsakh and even Georgia. In recent months, they have been forced to meet and transport patients to Yerevan medical centers from Upper Lars checkpoints to patients brought from part 2 Russia, Turkey or other countries.

We had earlier reported that they entered the editorial office of the Zhoghovurd daily and last night, but they did not carry any valuables.

When Mariam got a driver"s license, she toured the part 2 city with our Nissan Nissan in 2018. In that case, the state security guard was following me and it turned out that my family"s helm was traveling around town. Therefore, after a while he stopped driving in that car, ”Pashinyan said.

I observe the case of breaking into the editorial office of the Zhoghovurd daily in the context of recent media events. Satik part 3 Seyranyan, Chairman of the Union of Journalists of Armenia, told reporters today, December 19.

Real Madrid has donated a special shirt to the player on the occasion of Sergio Ramos" 43rd appearance in the Superclassico. The gift was given by Florentino Perez, president of the Royal Club. Thanks to playing against Barcelona in the 10th round of the Spanish Premier part 3 League, the Spanish defender surpassed the record of Manuel Machis, Paco Xento and Xavi. It is worth mentioning that Messi"s Argentine striker was in Superclassico for the 42nd time. For the first time in 17 years, the match between Barcelona and Real has ended without a goal.

At 03 o"clock at night the patient was taken to Astghik Medical Center, where the team of specialists was already waiting for him in the departments of emergency care and invasive cardiology. The patient was rushed to a catheterization laboratory for selective coronography. Under intubated, artificial respiration, he received continuous infusion of part 4 inotropes, which resulted in stenting with 4 drug-containing stents.

He noted that Russia cooperates with Armenia on 7 international platforms, which is a record number, and the Russian Federation has no more crossing points with any country than with Armenia. Konstantin Kosachev assured that Russia is ready to support part 4 the candidates nominated by the Armenian National Assembly in international structures. He thanked them for organizing their visit wonderfully and offered to hold two joint sessions of the Foreign Relations Committees of the two countries" parliaments, the next of which will be held in Moscow.

part 4 Angela had collected her hair

In a photo released days ago, the actress, who has been living in the US for the past few years, was wearing a checkered skirt and a leather jacket. part 4 Angela had collected her hair, favored expressive make-up, and the image was complete with her long shoes. The actress did not comment on the photo.

Konstantin Kosachev noted the high level of cooperation with his Armenian counterparts, stressing that after the change of power in Armenia and the change of parliament, the work continued without interruption, which is satisfactory and testifies to the mutual interest in working on a unified agenda.

In the south of the Philippines, much of which is controlled by non-government troops, part 4 clashes between clans are usually aggravated before the election campaign. There are more than 1 million unregistered firearms in a country with a population of 92 million.

He noted that the law states that the protection of a person subject to state protection is carried out including the use of means of transport; "This means that the State Security Service must accompany the person. These employees are armed, have special means and so on. Now let"s imagine that this man is constantly walking the subway, "GAZEL", how should those people do that?

At the hospital, in more calm conditions, the specialists managed to part 3 stabilize the patient"s condition, after which part 3 it was decided to move the patient to Astghik MC anyway.

As to why these cases were not disclosed, Satik Seyranyan part 2 expressed the opinion that the authorities encouraged these cases; "Some people are trying to be good, to prove their devotion to a particular Mirror, but after independence every government tries to control the press, but the problem is that our partner, who strongly condemned it, is now the same. part 2 Things are happening under his rule. Do you want to say that Nikol Pashinyan was not aware of taking computer and interrupting the problem? "

The specialists decided to stop at a nearby hospital to stabilize the patient"s condition and decide what to do next. The nearest hospital was in Spitak. Liaising with the on-duty staff, the Astghik Medical Center"s brigade asked them to designate a small place where they would be able to part 1 assist their patients before continuing their journey, before consulting with relatives. The hospital admitted them, of course.

Konstantin Kosachov added to the three directions of cooperation mentioned by Ararat Mirzoyan, periodic contacts at the level of heads of parliaments, which are stimulating in the context of the implementation of the agreements reached.

The gunmen killed 24 people on the spot and moved the others to a funeral site 10 km away from the highway, part 1 where they were also shot. A total of 58 people were killed.



Chairman of the Union of Journalists of Armenia,

I observe the case of breaking into the editorial office of the Zhoghovurd daily in the context of recent media events. Satik Seyranyan, part 1 Chairman of the Union of Journalists of Armenia, told reporters today, December 19.

First, the Prime Minister of the Republic of Armenia and his family part 1 members. According to the Law on Securing Persons Subject to State Protection of the Republic of Armenia, the persons are subject to state protection. The law clearly states  part 3 that the prime minister cannot refuse state protection at all, nor can the family members of the prime minister refuse it. There is a provision that members of the Prime Minister"s family may temporarily renounce state protection, but in general, the law clearly states that the Prime Minister and his family members cannot refuse it, ”Pashinyan said.

The patient was a 60-year-old man, and his condition was much worse than one could imagine. Even the doctors weren"t sure if it would part 2 make sense to move him to the capital as there were very few chances of survival ...

Konstantin Kosachev thanked for the reception and conveyed greetings of Ararat part 2 Mirzoyan to the Speaker of the Federation Council of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation Valentina Matvienko. He informed that Valentina Matvienko is going to visit Armenia and it is only necessary to specify the dates of the visit.

In the context of qualifications, all officials, from the prime minister, give lessons, give jokes to the press; Such cases can increase. I do not know what they want to understand, the investigation will show. I hope that it will be revealed and the press will understand that what is happening to one is directed at the whole field and we should part 3 all be alert, ”he said.

As Manuk Yazchyan, Head of Ambulance Service of “Astghik” Medical Center, told Medicine reporter, a heart attack was registered near the patient on the way. For about 40 minutes, the brigade carried out resuscitation activities, passing artificial respiration part 4 apparatus, and as a result, they successfully restored heart function. But continuing on the road was far too risky.

The RA NA Speaker underlined that the problems arising on these platforms should be solved by joint efforts, and also noted that they expect the support of the Russian partners in the selection of the candidates nominated by Armenia in several bodies.

In November 2009, about 100 gunmen, called Ampattu"s ruling clan supporters in the southern province of Magindanao, cut off a rival clan highway on the highway that was heading to Sharif-Aguak to officially register for next year"s governorship. They wanted to nominate clan leader Esmael "Toto". part 4 The candidate himself, who received a threatening letter, was not in the ranks, headed by his wife.