part 1 We also have photos of this

Pashinyan said that last Sunday his family "fled" in their old car and walked around the city for 1.5-2 hours. “I think there are citizens who have noticed it. part 1 We also have photos of this memorable fact. part 1 But in this case my action can also be interpreted as a violation of the law.

At Astghik Medical Center Emergency Department, as well as the entire hospital, the work is organized according to part 2 the best international standards, thanks to which the hospital has received ISO 2001 certificate and is now preparing to receive J?I certificate. Moreover, the medical staff undergoes regular training both in Armenia and abroad. The last one was in October this year; Emergency department staff part 2 participated in the 13th Europan Congress on Emergency Medicine in Prague, the capital of the Czech Republic. The only participants of this course from Armenia

Recently I saw a headline that Mariam Pashinyan didn"t get out of the car until the bodyguard opens the door. I have a big surprise for you. it turns out to be a requirement for state protection. And sometimes I wait a minute for the state security guard to open the car part 3 door. Do you think my paws would fall for me to open the door? There are certain  part 3 security procedures and we respect the work of these people. I have opened the door several times since the beginning, I was told, please, don"t open it. When there are other officials with me, security warns you don"t open the door when we need to, ”he said.

When resuscitation takes the patient to the hospital, the whole team is already waiting. The Astghik Medical Center Emergency part 4 Medical Unit is the only one in Armenia where there is an operating room, which makes it possible to save as much time as possible, so that as soon as the patient arrives at the ward, they can be taken to the surgery immediately if needed. "We all know that there are times when these few minutes decide everything and in no case can be delayed," the expert said.

According to the Russian president, before the revolution of 1917, Russia was part 4 a "highly centralized, united state", and Lenin actually proposed a confederation in which ethnos were linked to specific territories that were allowed to withdraw from the Soviet Union. This has created "painful points" that still exist, Putin said.

I observe the case of breaking into the editorial office of the Zhoghovurd daily in the context of recent media events. Satik Seyranyan, Chairman of the Union of Journalists of Armenia, told reporters today, December 19.